This page describes the command-line parameters that can be used to install ScrewDrivers products in silent mode without a user interface.
Info |
VersionThis information is for version 7.3.1 or newer versions. |
Tricerat supports several parameter groups. The following table shows which parameter groups apply to each product installer.
Parameter Group | ScrewDrivers Client | ScrewDrivers Essentials | ScrewDrivers Database | ScrewDrivers Pro or Enterprise |
Basic | - | - | Yes | Yes |
Msiexec | Yes | Yes | - | - |
Features | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Licensing | - | Yes | - | Yes |
Database | - | - | Yes | Yes |
Optional | - | Yes | - | Yes |
Basic Parameters
/exelang 1033 English only
/exenoui tells the installer not to display any dialogs
/qn is a MSIEXEC command line switch to tell Windows Installer to run silently
APPDIR=<fully qualified path name> This parameter can be used to override the destination installation folder. We suggest always adding this parameter! Ex: APPDIR="C:\Program Files\Tricerat" for all products.
/qn command line switch to tell Windows Installer to run silently
APPDIR=<fully qualified path name> This parameter can be used to override the destination installation folder. We suggest always adding this parameter! Ex: APPDIR="C:\Program Files\Tricerat" for all products.
Feature Parameters
ADDLOCAL=<comma-delimited list of selected features> ADDLOCAL ADDLOCAL=ALL will install all product features. Note: It is not recommended to use ADDLOCALuse ADDLOCAL=ALL for the ScrewDrivers Pro or Enterprise installer!
Features for the ScrewDrivers Client installer:
EndpointClient - Client functionality for the redirection of local printers to a remote session and rendering of print jobs from the session to local printers
ScanningClient - Client functionality to redirect local scanners into a remote session and handle upload of scan data to session applications
TCPClient - Extends the virtual channel Endpoint or Scanning Client to support connections to the ScrewDrivers Gateway for remote sessions where a virtual channel plugin cannot be used. You must specify EndpointClient or ScanningClient as well. Note: Requires a Pro or Enterprise license on the Session Agent
Features for the ScrewDrivers Essentials installer:
Endpoint - This feature installs the the session agent handler that virtualizes client printers and routes print jobs to the session client
Scanning - This feature installs the the session agent handler that virtualizes client scanners and routes scanning data from the client to session applications
Features for the ScrewDrivers Database installer:
MainFeature - Creates and initializes the database necessary for configuration of ScrewDrivers Pro and Enterprise features
Features for the ScrewDrivers Pro or Enterprise installer:
MainFeature - Installs files and registry entries shared among all features
Database - Installs the binaries required for database access for the various features
Optional Administrator Tools
Administration - Installs the ScrewDrivers Administration console for managing your printing environment
PrinterDiscovery - Installs the Printer Discovery tool for the import of native drivers and network discovery of IP printers
Bonjour - Installs the Bonjour runtime to allow for mDNS discovery of printers on the network
Reports - Installs the ScrewDrivers Reports tool to review print job data recorded by Reports services installed within the environment. NOTE: Requires an Enterprise license for operation
Optional Session Agents
SDPrinting- Installs files to support printing utilizing the ScrewDrivers virtual driver to Endpoint client and Print Server printers
Scanning - Installs support for Scanning from remote clients
Direct - Installs the files necessary to support creation of IP printers using native drivers
SessionAgents - Needed when SDPrinting or Scanning or Direct is specified
Optional Services
PrintServer - Installs the Print Server service that reports local print queues to the system and handles routing of print job data to the local printers
Gateway - Installs service to support non-Windows client access to the printing infrastructure. NOTE: Certain features require an Enterprise license.
ReportsService - Installs the service to collect print job data and store it in the ScrewDrivers database for later retrieval. NOTE: Requires an Enterprise license for operation.
Connector - Installs the service to support connections to and from remote sites for printing. NOTE: Requires an Enterprise license for operation.
SystemPrinters - Installs the service to support virtualized printing for service based applications. NOTE: Requires an Enterprise license for operation.
Licensing Parameters
LICENSE_PATH=<port number@FQDN of license server> Unless there is a specific requirement the port number should be set to 6200.
LICENSE_SERVER_ADDR_PROP=<port number@FQDN of license server> Unless there is a specific requirement the port number should be set to 6200.
Database Parameters
SQLSERVER_DATABASE=<SQL Server database name>
For SQL authentication:
For Windows authentication (using credentials of logged-on user):
Optional Parameters
These optional parameters allow you to customize some Windows Registry values.
Below is a table of optional parameters:
Command Line Specification | Tricerat Windows Registry Branch | Registry Value | Values |
OPTION_HANDLE_LOCK_NOTIFICATIONS | SOFTWARE\Tricerat\Common | HandleLockNotifications | 0 (disabled, default) or 1 (enabled) |
OPTION_MAX_OWNER_GENERATIONS | SOFTWARE\Tricerat\Common | MaxOwnerGenerations | 0 (parents) through 4,294,967,295 (all parents, default) |
OPTION_PROCESS_GROUPS | SOFTWARE\Tricerat\Common | ProcessGroups | 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled, default) |
OPTION_PROCESS_GROUPS_AS_SID | SOFTWARE\Tricerat\Common | ProcessGroupsAsSID | 0 (disabled, default) or 1 (enabled) |
OPTION_PROCESS_DOMAIN_LOCAL_GROUPS | SOFTWARE\Tricerat\Common | ProcessDomainLocalGroups | 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled, default) |
OPTION_PROCESS_SERVER_ASSIGNMENTS | SOFTWARE\Tricerat\Common | ProcessServerAssignments | 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled, default) |
OPTION_PROCESS_USER_ASSIGNMENTS | SOFTWARE\Tricerat\Common | ProcessUserAssignments | 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled, default) |
OPTION_PROCESS_CLIENT_ASSIGNMENTS | SOFTWARE\Tricerat\Common | ProcessClientAssignments | 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled, default) |
OPTION_SUPPRESS_LICENSE_ERROR_DIALOG | SOFTWARE\Tricerat\ScrewDrivers\Licensing | SuppressLicenseErrorDialog | 0 (disabled, default) or 1 (enabled) |
Optional Parameter Usage:
In this example, we are installing the ScrewDrivers Printing product to the T:\Program Files\Tricerat folder. We are using a license server and connecting to the database using SQL authentication.
Code Block | ||||
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ScrewDriversProOrEnterprise_7.3.1.20599_x64.exe /exelang 1033 /exenoui /qn APPDIR="T:\Program Files\Tricerat" LICENSE_MODE=LicenseServer ADDLOCAL=MainFeature,Database,SDPrinting,SessionAgents SQLSERVER_SERVER_PROP=TriceratSqlServer SQLSERVER_DATABASE=Tricerat SQL_AUTH=UserDefined SQLSERVER_AUTHENTICATION_USERNAME=sa SQLSERVER_AUTHENTICATION_PASSWORD=saPassword |
In this example, we are installing the ScrewDrivers Essentials Endpoint product and are using a license server.
Code Block | ||||
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msiexec.exe /i ScrewDriversEssentials_7.3.1.20599_x64.msi /qn APPDIR="C:\Program Files\Tricerat" LICENSE_MODE=LicenseServer ADDLOCAL=MainFeature,Endpoint |
In this example, we are installing the ScrewDrivers endpoint client. The first example places the log file in the %TEMP% folder and the second example specifies the location and name of the log file. See Microsoft documentation for more options.
Code Block | ||||
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msiexec.exe /i ScrewDriversClient_7.3.1.20599_x64.msi /qn APPDIR="C:\Program Files\Tricerat" ADDLOCAL=MainFeature,EndpointClient or msiexec.exe /i ScrewDriversClient_7.3.1.20599_x64.msi /qn /l*vx "CustomLogFilename" APPDIR="C:\Program Files\Tricerat" ADDLOCAL=MainFeature,EndpointClient |
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