How to add administrators to the Admin Console manually

On the machine where the TX server is installed:

  1.  Open a command prompt (Run as administrator) and go to c:\program files\tricerat\SPTX 

      2.    Run the command:   Initcentralstorage.exe –AD 1 -auth -admins "<User_or_Group_Name>"

Example adding rtestuser123    AD Administrator to the Admin Console

C:\program files\Tricerat\SPTX

initcentralstorage.exe -AD 1 -auth -admins "rtestuser123"

LDS Administrators will need to be added to the LDS AD administrators group using ADSI Edit.

For Simplify Printing TX v 1.4 or earlier:

On the machine where the TX server is installed:

  1.  Open a command prompt and go to c:\program files\tricerat\simplify printing TX server x64 
  2. Run the command:

    Initcentralstorage.exe -server <CentralStore_Server_IP> -port 27017 -security 65535 -auth -admins "<User_or_Group_Name>"



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