ScrewDrivers on macOS

ScrewDrivers on macOS

Installing the ScrewDrivers® Endpoint Client for MacOS

The ScrewDrivers® Endpoint Client for MacOS automatically maps local printers that are defined via MacOS/CUPS to the remote desktop session (via the Citrix Workspace or FreeRDP client)

The remote desktop must have either ScrewDrivers Essentials or ScrewDrivers Enterprise installed and configured to allow local printer mapping.


  1. Install the appropriate remote desktop client for your environment

  2. Download the latest ScrewDrivers Client install package (dmg) from Tricerat | Client Downloads

  3. Open the dmg and run the enclosed ScrewDrivers Endpoint Client.pkg.

    • The install is signed, so after MacOS performs it's security check (assuming you click "Allow"), then you should see the installation dialogs.

    • Next you will be presented with the "Read Me" and prompted to accept the License agreement.

    • When you get to the "Installation Type" screen, you can select "Customize" to select which client plugins you want installed. By default, both Citrix and FreeRDP will be installed.

    • The install runs a check to determine which clients are present on the system. If it does not detect one of the clients, you will not have the option to install the plugin for it.

    • Finally, you will be prompted for a password and the install will proceed.

Launching the Client

  • Citrix
    Our install script places our plugin in Citrix's Library/Application Support/Citrix/PlugIns folder so that it automatically loads our client plugin on launch. For older versions of Citrix, we still make edits to the modules file.

  • FreeRDP
    Launch the FreeRDP client with /dvc:sdfreerdp as an argument:

    Example: $ xfreerdp /v:termserv.mycompany.com /u:myusername /dvc:sdfreerdp


If you run into problems, please contact Tricerat Support for assistance.