ScrewDrivers TCP/IP Client Configuration
Did Know that the v7 ScrewDrivers Client on Windows can support Endpoint and Scanning without using virtual channels? This article describes the required ScrewDrivers components and how to configure your setup.
Reference Tricerat articles:
Exploring ScrewDrivers Capabilities
The second diagram shows a typical client/server connection and the clouds between client and server are TCP/IP connections.
ScrewDrivers Gateway service installed in your server environment. The Gateway server must be reachable from both the client computer connection using either a FQDN or a TCP/IP address and from your application servers where Users login. The Gateway needs to be running in the same Domain as your application servers because the client User will need to login to the Gateway server. The Gateway service requires an Enterprise license and the Gateway service install is not covered in this article.
The client computer needs the TCP/IP client installed in addition to the Endpoint and/or Scanning client. Only install the product you intend to use.
Disable the Dll’s normally used to register our virtual channel extensions. These are not needed even if using RDP or ICA connections to the application server.
Configure the TCP/IP client to connect to the Gateway server using the same credentials as you would for your remote session.
The TCP/IP client must be connected before you start any server session regardless of the protocol used: RDP, ICA or HTML5.
Client Installation Options
Here is a typical ScrewDrivers Client installation screen:
As shown, the TCP Client is not installed by default so you must choose “Will be installed on local hard drive” option:
If you have no requirements for ScrewDrivers Scanning Client or ScrewDrivers Endpoint Client, click the dropdown and choose “Entire feature will be unavailable“. You must have at least the Endpoint or Scanning client installed.
Complete the Client installer.
Disable the Client DLL’s
Disabling of the protocol DLL’s is a manual operation but there are batch scripts to enable and disable the TCP Client. Open a File browser to the location where ScrewDrivers Client was installed:
If you installed the Endpoint Client and the Scanning Client, you will see a similar screen. Navigate to the Endpoint Client folder and Run As administrator the EnableTCPClient batch file as shown:
This script will rename the protocol DLL’s as shown:
The affected files are highlighted in red above. Repeat this process for the Scanning Client (if installed):
Configure the TCP/IP Client
You will find a shortcut under your Start menu for the ScrewDrivers TCP Client - you may want to pin this to your Start menu for convenience. Before connecting to your session server, start the ScrewDrivers TCP Client by clicking your shortcut (The program is normally installed as "C:\Program Files\Tricerat\ScrewDrivers\Common\ScrewDrivers TCP Client.exe"). This program is a tray application that starts and shows the blue Tricerat horns icon as indicated by the arrow:
The tray application will communicate to the User using standard Microsoft tool tip popup messages. The message behavior can be customized like any other popup message. All messages shown have a default action assigned to them if you click the displayed popup message. Messages are usually displayed for approximately 10 seconds. If you miss clicking the popup message, you can right-click the tray icon to display a context menu:
Choose Login from the menu to display the Connect to Server dialog:
You can see the prompts for each field by hovering your cursor over the field and when empty, the prompt is displayed as light grey text. Here is an example dialog populated:
The Server address can be a FQDN or a valid IP address. The Domain and Username must be the same credentials used when connecting to your session on the server.
If you wish to have the TCP Client remember your credentials, you can choose ON and your encrypted password, domain and username will be saved in your registry under the HKCU\SOFTWARE\Tricerat\ScrewDrivers\TCP Client key.
You may also wish to have the TCP Client connect automatically to the Gateway server when started by turning Auto Connect ON.
Program Mode should be set depending on the Client installer options chosen. If you need to change, just click the down arrow and choose the available modes from the menu:
Once the TCP Client is connected to the server, start your server session as you normally would.
TCP Client features
Display the context menu by right-clicking the Tricerat icon. This will display several choices:
Login - Display the login/connection dialog. If you are currently connected to the Gateway server, this will be Disconnect rather than Login. If clicked, you will be disconnected from the Gateway server.
Settings - These will display the standard configuration program for Endpoint or Scanning - depending on your install options. This is exactly the same as starting the ScrewDrivers Endpoint Client or ScrewDrivers Scanning Client programs from other installed shortcuts or accessing them directly from the C:\Program Files\Tricerat\ScrewDrivers\Common folder.
About - Display the About dialog
Exit - Exit the TCP Client program and disconnect from the Gateway server if connected.
When printing to a ScrewDrivers client printer from your server session, a popup message will be displayed if your “Show Print Job Messages“ option is set to ON. The name of the client printer and document will be displayed. If you click the popup message, the print queue for that printer will be displayed.