Enabling User Mode Dumps

Enabling User Mode Dumps


Sometimes, despite our best efforts, a Tricerat program may crash. If requested by Tricerat Support, please use these instructions to enable User Mode Dumps.


These steps describe how to enable User Mode dumps files on any machine.

You will require Administrator privileges' to perform these actions.

  1. Create HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps key if the key does not exist.

  2. Add a REG_EXPAND_SZ value named ‘DumpFolder’, set the value data to C:\ProgramData\Tricerat\Logs. This allows the dump file to be located in the same default location for Tricerat generated log files. Use the Screwdrivers Logs program to zip up any files including the dump file.

  3. Add a REG_DWORD value named ‘DumpCount’, set the value data to 5.

  4. Add a REG_DWORD value named ‘DumpType’, set the value data to 2.

  5. Do not add CustomDumpType value.

  6. You must re-start the machine after adding these registry settings.

Here is more information from Microsoft about enabling User Mode Dumps.

You may be surprised by the non-Tricerat programs that crash!

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