ScrewDrivers in AVD: Multiple Print Jobs Fail

ScrewDrivers in AVD: Multiple Print Jobs Fail


Customers using ScrewDrivers on Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) with client printers may see print jobs fail after one successful print per user. This can also affect our Scanning product.

Tricerat is actively working on this issue and believe it to be caused by a Microsoft update to the AVD remote desktops. It is likely that Remote Desktop Services SxS Network Stack version 1.0.2303.07400 modified the virtual channel behavior that adversely affects Tricerat ScrewDrivers. Tricerat has an open case with Microsoft to investigate the issue. This update started hitting AVD desktops of Tricerat customers on or about May 11, 2023.

Update - May 25, 2023

Over the past few days, AVD environments have been updated with the previous version of the SxS Network Stack. Now, the “new” version is 1.0.2301.03945. With this 2301 listener, the virtual channel issue is no longer exhibited.

Microsoft has stated that they rolled back the network stack version to mitigate issues such as this one, to be later fixed in an upcoming update. Tricerat is working directly with Microsoft support engineers and will monitor future updates. Currently, ScrewDrivers client printing and scanning should operate normally, and the new 7.4.2 client (see below) can work around virtual channel issues if they are re-introduced.

Update - June 2023

Microsoft has again started pushing out an updated SxS Network Stack 2303 which re-introduces the virtual channel connection issue. This updated version is 1.0.2303.07500. We continue to work with Microsoft regarding the documented function of their API's in these versions. A listener using sxs2301 will work without modification to the client, whereas sxs2303 requires an updated ScrewDrivers Client (see Solution section below).


Tricerat has produced a new client version to address this issue. See the release notes for v7.4.2: Version 7.4.2 Release Notes

Tricerat will update this page as additional information and solutions become available. Please contact Tricerat Support with any questions.


Microsoft Support referenced this thread with information on modifying the registry to force a specific listener. Even though this was referenced by Microsoft Support and tested by Tricerat, it should not be considered official. It is likely that a listener update will replace this value.

  1. Open registry key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations

  2. Modify registry value ReverseConnectionListener

  3. Set the value data to an installed version of the SxS Network Stack that appears in the list of subkeys. For example, rdp-sxs230103945

  4. Close regedit, log out of the session, and open a new session to the AVD desktop.


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