Registry Options for Advanced Print Features


The following registry settings modify the operation of advanced print features in Simplify Printing. Please consult Tricerat Technical Support before applying these settings.

ScrewDrivers v7 includes changes to Advanced Print Features and these settings may not apply to version 7. These settings will be included in all future versions of v6 unless otherwise noted.



Versions: 6.0 – 6.X

Keyname: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Tricerat\Simplify Printing\ScrewDrivers Server v6

Valuename: SetPerUserDevmode

Valuetype: REG_DWORD               

Default Value: 1

When the setting is non-zero, it saves the public per-user default printer settings when the UI dll receives a notification that the printer preferences have been set.


Versions: 6.8.0 – 6.X

Keyname: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Tricerat\Simplify Printing\ScrewDrivers Server v6

Valuename: StoreScrewDevmode

Valuetype: REG_DWORD

Default Value: 1 in 6.8.0 and 6.8.1, 0 in 6.8.2+

When the setting is non-zero, it saves the public per-user default printer settings across sessions


Versions: 6.8.1 – 6.X

Keyname: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Tricerat\Simplify Printing\ScrewDrivers Server v6

Valuename: UseAPFDevmodeForDefaults

Valuetype: REG_DWORD

Default Value: 1

When the setting is non-zero, the printer uses APF, and the preference dialog is opened, uses saved public and private per-user settings for the preference dialog defaults.


Versions: 6.8.1 – 6.X

Keyname: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Tricerat\Simplify Printing\ScrewDrivers Server v6

Valuename: SendAPFDevmode

Valuetype: REG_DWORD

Default Value: 1

When the setting is non-zero, the printer uses APF, and the preference dialog is not opened, it uses saved public and private per-user settings for the print job preferences

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