Troubleshooting License Issues

Troubleshooting License Issues

These license issues are specific to v6 or later Tricerat products.


  • License Server service refuses to start.

  • Users do not receive a license.

  • LicenseActivate does not activate a license.


License Server service refuses to start

These issues are usually the result of configuration errors and need to be reviewed by Tricerat support. Please gather the following information from your license server:

  1. Copy C:\Program Files\Tricerat\Simplify Licensing\lmx-serv.cfg to any temporary empty folder

  2. Copy C:\Program Files\Tricerat\Simplify Licensing\lmx-serv.log to the same folder

  3. Copy C:\Program Files\Tricerat\Simplify Licensing\*.lic to the same folder

  4. Run the LMX End-user Configuration Tool using the installed menu shortcut Start->X-Formation->LM-X Configuration Tool. From the HostID tab, click the Save To File button. Save LmxHostid.txt to the same temporary folder used in steps 1, 2 & 3.

  5. Zip all the files from your temporary folder

  6. Contact Tricerat Support

Users do not receive a license

These steps assume your license server service is running!

  1. Check your license configuration on your server

  2. Check connectivity to your license server from your terminal server

  3. Enable product notification logs on your terminal server

  4. Have a User on to the terminal server

  5. Gather the notify logs and Contact Tricerat Support

LicenseActivate does not activate a license
  1. Locate the LicenseActivate.log file located in the C:\ProgramData\Tricerat\Logs folder

  2. Open LicenseActivate.log and check the last line of the file

  3. If it reads "The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Anonymous'. The authentication header received from the server was 'Negotiate,NTLM'." You are set to use a proxy server for internet access and the proxy server rejected anonymous access. Manually activate the license online. See the Technical Manuals page and view the Tricerat License Install Guide, Chapter 2, "Activating a License without Internet Access" section for instructions.

  4. If there is another message, please Contact Tricerat Support

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