Windows 10 March 2021 Update Causes Printing Issues
In the March 2021 updates, Microsoft released KB5000802 and KB5000808. Shortly after release, many users reported issues with printing, RDP connection failures, and BSOD events.
Microsoft stopped the push of the updates, so only computers updating during a certain window received the update. Additionally, On March 15, 2021, Microsoft released KB5001568 which fixed the error.
If you recently started seeing related issues:
Go to Update & Security → Windows Update → View Update History
Find the relevant updates with the KB numbers listed above
Click on the Uninstall updates option
Alternatively, using PowerShell:
wmic qfe list brief /format:table
wusa /uninstall /kb:5000802
wusa /uninstall /kb:5000808
Other Sources
Windows Latest - Windows 10 KB5000802 (March) update is crashing PCs with BSOD
Windows Report - KB5000802 and KB5000808 cause printing crashes in Windows 10
Bleeping Computer - Windows 10 emergency updates released to fix printing crashes